Youth Groups

Elementary: Grade 1-5
During this age, we focus on building relationships with one another, kids and adults alike, so that as our youth grows into our middle and high school programs, the work of creating relationships and knowing each other has been solidified, and we can start to dig deeper into their faith and how it is intertwined with their life.  
Middle School: Grade 6-9
7th and 8th graders at Grace are part of our two-year Confirmation program. Each month there are fellowship events offered to create relationships with each other, with friends, and with Christ. This group learns how their faith is working in their life – real life application! 
High School: Grade 9-12 
Grace high school youth will have monthly youth group meetings for homework, fellowship, and faith formation! We are looking for families to host our monthly high school youth group dinners for 2020

Family Ministry
Family Ministry is an important part of ministry at any church and makes a large impact on the faith of both the youth and the parents. Part of youth ministry includes family ministry. Parents are with their kids more than any other person including youth directors, friends, and teachers. Parents are influential in shaping their youth’s faith. Parents are invited and encouraged to volunteer with G.R.A.C.E. Place, become Youth Group leaders, or join our Christian Ed team!

Grace families can also participate in an annual Family Mission Trip each summer.
Events, Retreats, and Service Trips
Box City
Saturday, March 22nd – 23rd
An event to raise awareness and funds for Pottstown Beacon of Hope, to help those who experience homelessness!
Held at New Hanover Lutheran church, Gilbertsville, PA
For grades 6 -12; friends are welcome!
Registration is $30 and registration forms due to Julie Boyer by Feb. 23rd. 
Forms can be found in confirmation classroom. Email Julie if you would like the registration forms.
Tuscarora Youth Retreat
Fri., April 4th – Sun., April 6th
For grades 6 – 12
Registration is $165 and registration forms (medical and covenant) due to Julie Boyer by Jan. 19th. You can make checks out to Grace Lutheran Church.
Scholarship assistance is available for members.
Forms can be found in  confirmation classroom. Email Julie if you would like the registration forms.
Join us the first Sunday of each month for Bible studies.
The last Sunday of each month we will be doing a service project after service!
UNLESS the last Sunday is the 5th Sunday of the month.. then high schoolers will lead a service project at 9:30am for our grade school youth!
Plan to join us Jan. 19th, from 5-7pm, location TBD
Vacation Bible School
Sun. Jul 13 – Thur. Jul 17
Interested in volunteering as a group or station leader? Email Julie Boyer or the church office!

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